Past Work
A one quarter acre lot in an urban area was cleared of all underbrush as well as ten large, mature trees.
Half of a seven acre woodlot, in the pre-development stage, was thinned using Positive Impact Forestry guidlines.
An overgrown area above a landslide damaged property was cleared of multiple standing and downed trees, while working for Terra Firma Drilling
Stumps and several small trees were removed from a cliffside, prior to landslide mitigation.
A large Grand Fir was pruned for health, and to improve the recreational value of the property owners backyard.
Two seventy five foot tall Douglas Fir trees were removed to promote the health of other, larger species in a residential backyard.
Ivy vines were removed from three backyard trees to promote continued, healthy growth.
3 (120') Douglas Fir, 1 (65') Douglas Fir, removed to make space for a new drain field. One tree required rigging to lower heavy limbs and avoid damages.
Five precarious Birch trees were removed to open up the backyard.
A total of six Western Red Cedars were limbed to improve the beauty of the property.
Five Fir trees were removed to make way for a new septic tank on Shell Street.
A single Grand Fir was removed to improve the view for a neighboring property.
Three trees of varied species were topped and trimmed to enhance the view.
Several trees on a property in town were trimmed to mitigate debris pile-up in the gutters of the home and on a vehicle.
A very dead Grand Fir with a co-dominant stem was successfully removed, despite the poor condition of the tree.
85,000lbs of waste logs, enormous cedar stumps, and slash debris were removed from a delineated wetland using Low Impact Forestry principles.